These popular summer programs venture out into town to explore the area’s history. Learn about the people who once lived in the area through stories, old maps, and photographs.

2024 Summer/Fall Schedule 

May 5: History Hike at Parcel 5: Explore the stone walls and cellarholes on the farmland once belonging to Ebenezer Brown. 1:00 pm Register here

June 22: Hilltop Garden Tour, 11 am – 3 pm (Rain Date, June 23) Purchase tickets here

July 11: Women’s History Stroll along Main Street, 6:30 pm

July 18: Civil War History Stroll along Main Street, 6:30 pm

July 27: Mid-Century Modern Walking Tour, 10:30 am [TOUR FULL]

August 10: Mid-Century Modern Walking Tour, 10:30 am [TOUR FULL]

We will schedule some tours for the fall!

No time for a walking tour? 

There are many more ways to enjoy Norwich’s architecture and landscape. Read more…

Become a member today and your walking tour will be free!

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