This week’s jigsaw puzzle depicts a right of spring–
Millions of long hardwood logs from Vermont and New Hampshire forests floated down the Connecticut River during the legendary log drives after the Civil War. Dozens of dams were built on rivers and streams to hold back the water flow until the drive was ready, and then loosed to flush the timber downstream. The last big drive of long logs on the river took place in 1915, when 65 million feet of lumber was driven down the Connecticut by 500 men from all over New England and Canada. This photograph was made from a glass plate negative taken by H.H. Barrett, ca. 1870. Ledyard Bridge replaced the bridge in this photo.
This is a 75 piece puzzle. If it is too hard, you can change the number of pieces. If you want to make this puzzle larger and full screen, click on the top right icon that looks like this: