Pick up and return your circle between August 1 and 15 from Norwich Historical Society.

You will receive a circle of canvas that has a background already applied. We ask you to use acrylic paint and/or acrylic markers for your circle–permanent sharpies do not hold up in the weather. Before you purchase supplies, we recommend you plan your circle so you know what colors you will want and brush sizes that would be helpful. The circles will be seen from a distance, so bold images and bright colors are encouraged. You can use the border that has been applied or create your own border over the one you receive.

Fill the canvas with words or images that respond to the question:

What do you love about Norwich’s natural world?

The Norwich Conservation Commission has lists of keystone plants to identify and sketch.

You could head out onto one of Norwich’s Trails to find a special spot or find a special spot in your back yard..


This video was produced for the Covid Circle’s mural, but the basic technique remains the same.