Two Diaries, 150 years apart…

Vermont Journal, July 5, 1873

July was all about haying. Ebenezer’s son, Charles, had nine lots filled with hay to mow, rake, load into a wagon, and load into the barn. He produced 34 loads of hay that month and as soon as he finished…it was on to the wheat crop. The first part of the month was hot and dry. Local newspaper reports lamented about the impact on the hay.

At the end of the month, Ebenezer went to White River Junction to purchase a new bedroom set. It was delivered two days later.

Ebenezer Brown, July 1873

1 A very hot day and rains a little this forenoon by spells and sunshine p.m. A smart rain of an hour or two which the dry fields drank in with a great relish

4 Cloudy and rainy

This is the Birthday of the United States of America the God of Nations be praised for this great favor to the world of mankind in thus providing an asylum in this beautiful country for all the nations of the earth.

Great celebration at Burlington Vermont where a statue of Ethan Allen is to be unveiled and presented there. Also a celebration at Bethel VT and at Lebanon NH. Charles is at work on his turnip patch. I am at work in the garden.

7 A cool and most beautiful day. Charles has mowed this forenoon with the Red colt on the machine and he works well for the first time and was ever on the machines…We took in 2 loads of hay from the west lot.

8 Cool morning…sunshine a.m. but a thick sky and rainy from 3 p.m.

Charles mowed with the machine in the forenoon and almost finished the cutting of the grass in the west lot. We raked and cocked the whole before the rain began

Field Mower, machined in Hinsdale, NH ca. 1875

12 Very cool day and sunshine all day–Charles worked the mowing machine this forenoon and cut quite a lot of grass at the upper part of the mowing lot –The Red Colt ran away with the mowing machine from the barn to the pasture bars and in the attempt to jump over the bars fell and Charles having kept up with him jumped upon him and held him down till he could loosen him from the machine and strange as it is there was no break in the machine nor but one or two slight scratches on the colt. Things were very soon put in order & Charles went to work and mowed 2 loads of hay… We took in 3 loads of hay this p.m. and Charles went to Hanover this evening.

22 Hot and Sunshine. Charles cut the grass in the Furbush lot and part of the schoolhouse lot and we took in 4 loads

23 Hot. hotter than yesterday. First rate for hay making–finished the school house lot & the Israel Barn lot and took 3 loads into the I Barn

24 Another hot sunny day. Charles finished cuting the grass at the I place before noon and p.m. we took in 2 loads of hay and finished our haying…John Booth helped today.

A Load of Hay

25 I brought Ellen home her 3 months school is finished today. I paid Mr. Burbank (the miller) $1.50 for 100 lbs corn meal at his mill.

26 Hot sun a.m. Showers p.m.

Charles cradled wheat a.m. for Mr. Strong. I went to Hanover NH with Ellen & carried to Cloughs store 18 lbs of butter & took the amount of it in goods. $4.50 and no charges maid.

28 Hot sunny day a little overcast. Charles worked for G.V. Slack…I went with Mary to W.R. Village to Smith & Co furniture shop and engaged a chamber set of furniture at $32.50.

29 A warm Rainy day. I am unwell and not doing anything.

30 A hot sunny day…this a.m. Smith & Co delivered here the chamber set that he engaged last Monday by Mr Hazen and recd the case as agreed. $32.50

Charles cradled wheat for S. Booth and got the oxen shod at Chushman’s shop. I am turning the Israel Brook from its wrong place.