The Norwich Historic Preservation Commission (NHPC) is a municipal commission that seeks to raise appreciation of the Town’s historic landscapes, sites, structures, and people from all cultures. We champion the preservation and restoration of their places, which are essential to our community’s character and sense of place.

A town commission since 2010…

The Norwich Selectboard passed an ordinance in 2010, officially establishing the town’s first Historic Preservation Commission, which is advisory only.  Norwich is now one of 17 Certified Local Governments throughout the state designated by the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.  A goal of the CLG program is to encourage full integration of historic resources into the Town’s planning process.  CLG status also makes the town eligible for federal and state preservation grants, while also providing a close working relationship with the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.

Norwich’s advisory Historic Preservation Commission (NHPC) was appointed by the Selectboard in April 2010.  The Commission’s goal is to increase appreciation of Norwich’s wealth of historic and cultural resources.  These are essential to our town’s unique sense of place and character, including preserving Norwich’s built environment, settlement patterns, scenic resources, our rural character, and economic stability.

Meeting agendas and minutes are available on the Town of Norwich website.

Norwich’s Commission believes that:

  • Norwich’s iconic village center is the focal point for its rural character and scenic resources. Our town center reflects 250 years of town settlement and features surviving evidence of our native Abenaki presence important to understanding the depth of culture in our town, [as well as] distinctive homes, public buildings, places of worship and commercial buildings.
  • Long-time residents have protected these qualities while more recent residents have chosen to live in Norwich, in part, because of its sense of place and character. These qualities contribute to Norwich’s vigorous town center and strong property values.
  • Good stewardship supports our local and regional economy through the use of local products and services in maintaining historic properties.
  • Using and re-using historic buildings with appropriate retrofitting saves energy and contributes to sustainability.
  • Preserving historic structures is a natural complement to land conservation and essential to protecting our rural character.