February 23, 6:00pm (on zoom-and free)

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What a year it has been! Join us for our 2023 Annual Meeting. We will have a brief meeting where we will say a fond farewell to departing Board members, Jennifer Ankner-Edelstein and Courtney Dobyns. We will also do a little business, voting on new Board members and reviewing our finances.

The Annual Meeting will begin at 6:00, followed by our Discover Norwich program, “How to Research the History of your Property.”

1. Welcome
Carolyn Clinton

2. Minutes of the last Annual Meeting (1/30/2022)
Heidi Webster

3. Treasurer’s Report
Carla Vincent

4. Nominating Report
Carolyn Clinton

Vote to approve officers:

Carolyn Clinton, President
Cheri Mather, Vice President
Carla Vincent, Treasurer
Heidi Webster, Secretary

Vote to approve trustees for a term of three years:

Judy Brown (second term)
Cheri Mather (second term)

Annie Bauer (first term)
Mary Brownlow (first term)

5. Final Comments

6. Vote to Adjourn

6:30 pm: How to Research the History of your Property

Presented by Alan Berolzheimer and Sarah Rooker, Norwich Historical Society

This illustrated talk will walk you through how to trace the history of your property from the present back to some of the earliest owners. We will provide links to websites and suggestions for book and materials to aid you in your research.