Where did Ella and her family go for entertainment?
Ella writes about summer outings. Ella’s diary entries had a sameness to them most days. “A pleasant morn” was a usual comment, along with detailed descriptions of housework and cooking. She seldom left home. Here is a sampling of special occasions that Ella writes about attending over the years.

The train dropped off fairgoers at the back entrance of the White River fairgrounds.

Old Home Day in Norwich was established in 1901. From the “Records of Old Home Week Association” Art. 3 of the by-laws states “The object of this association is to promote the welfare of the town by increasing the interest in the town among former residents.” Statewide it was also an early effort to attract tourists and second home owners. Ella really seemed to enjoy attending these yearly programs.

Photo above: Horse racing at the old Bradford fairgrounds, courtesy Bradford Historical Society
Photo below: Float at the 1909 Bradford Fair parade, courtesy Bradford Historical Society