How did Ella Get Around?
Ella’s diaries between 1884 and 1922 mention the various forms of transportation that she and her neighbors used in Norwich and the surrounding area.

Travel around town in the late 1800s and early 1900s was by horse and buggy or sleigh. The Norwich Historical Society collection includes this picture of Mrs. Dale Bullock across from the Patterson Chair Company in her horse-drawn sled around 1900.
Diary Entries
Tues. Dec. 30, 1884
Father and Bartlett have been to the Village [Union Village] and got the Horse shod
Friday Jan 24, 1890
It is pretty good Sleighing
Tues. Mar. 3, 1896
Bartlett has been to Town Meeting in a Wagon
Mon. Dec.14, 1896
Mother has felt about as she did
Dr Nolan has been here to see her
The Doctor came in a Sleigh
Tues. Jan. 2, 1900
I have seen the first Sleigh of the season go by today
but not hardly enough Snow for a Sleigh to run good
Friday, April 2, 1909
F Dora and Henrietta have been to Lelands in a Wagon
Maud has been down in a Wagon
Saturday, Nov. 29, 1919
Myra and I have been up to Sarah Sargents funeral
It is very bad traveling
hard for Horse and hard to ride
Monday, Jan. 3, 1921
Pretty good Sleighing on the back roads
but pretty thin on the River Roads
Mon. Apr. 10, 1922
Snow Melting fast
It is very Mudy
hard traveling

Diary Entries
Trips out of town usually required a trip on the train. People were “carried” to the depot by horse and buggy.
Tues. June 30, 1896
Aunt Mary has gone to Concord this afternoon
Bartlett carried her to the Depot
Mon. July 30, 1900
Bartlett carried Susie to the Depot this morn
she has gone to St. Johnsbury to a Summer School
Monday, Oct. 24, 1904
[After visiting in the Boston area since Sept. 29]
I left Winthrop at 7 this morn and I started from Boston at 9 A.M.
got to Norwich at 2 P.M.
Mr Wood met me at Depot
C.V. and Grace came to Boston with me
Wednesday, August 26, 1908
We got up at 4 Oclock and Mr Wood and George Avery went to Bradford Fair
took my Horse and went to the Depot
Wednesday, June 8, 1921
Myra has been to Royalton to see Dr Fish.
they went to Norwich took the Train to Junction then Lawrence took them in Auto
they did not get home till 10 P.M.

Diary Entries
Thursday, June 15, 1905
Dr Richmond went past with his automobile
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1917
I did what Chores I could this morn got ready and at 9 A.M. Clement and Grace came with their Auto and John and Lilla were with them and we went to Pompa then up the River to Lake Morey and rode around the Lake crossed into N.H. at Orford came down to Lyme Pond then to Hanover then over to Norwich then up to John’s got there about 12,30
I eat dinner there then they all came up here a while so we had quite a day of it
Sunday, Nov. 24, 1918
Lawrence Wife and Baby have been up to day
they came with an Auto this P.M.
he took us all for a Ride
Sunday, Jan. 16, 1921
Lawrence and Wife and little Girl have been up to Myra’s today
came in Auto as far as School House

Diary Entry
We heard a Flying Machine this morn
Can you imagine the excitement on this day! Ella likely didn’t have the opportunity to fly in an airplane in her lifetime, but her diary gives a good snapshot of the changes she experienced over the years.
Photo courtesy of the UVM Landscape Change archive.