The Norwich and Hanover Historical Societies have teamed up to offer a series of lectures and walking tours in conjunction with the current exhibit, Mad for Mid-Century Modern.  Join us.

October 4       First Wednesdays Lecture: H. Nicholas Muller III, “Fallingwater”

7 pm, Norwich Congregational Church, Free

Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece Fallingwater is often ranked number one in the AIA ratings of America’s most important structures. Former Executive Director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, H. Nicholas Muller III, shares stories about this legendary property and its creator.

5:30 pm Mid-Century Modern exhibit open before the talk with refreshments at Norwich Historical Society

October 10     Lecture: Roy Banwell, “The Legacy of Ted and Peg Hunter in Norwich and Hanover”

7 pm, Mayer Room, Howe Library, Hanover, NH, Free

Roy Banwell, a Yale graduate and a graduate of the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, came to Hanover to work for E.H. Hunter and M.K. Hunter in 1957 to complete 9 years with them before starting his own firm.

October 14 & 15     Mid-century Walking Tour in Norwich, organized by Norwich Historical Society

1 pm,  Tickets: $5; Members of Norwich Historical Society and Hanover Historical Society, Free

Note: Both of these tours are now full. We will work on finding another date for a third.

This tour will begin at the intersection of Hopson Road and Elm Street. We will explore the Hopson Road neighborhood and end inside one of the houses.

Reserve your space by emailing

October 18, Lecture: Sarah Rooker, “Mad for Mid-Century Modern: A New Architectural Style Comes to Norwich”

7 pm, Norwich Public Library, Free

Sarah Rooker, Director of Norwich Historical Society, will discuss her ongoing research into the history of mid-century modern architecture in Norwich.

October 21     Mid-Century Modern House Tours in Hanover, organized by Hanover Historical Society

Tickets: $20 to fund Hanover High School scholarship fund. Rain date, Sunday, October 22. 

10 a.m. – noon. Meet in Ray School parking lot. Roy Banwell, noted Hanover architect, will guide the tour that will go inside four houses. Address to send the check: Hanover Historical Society, P.O. Box 142, Hanover, NH 03755. Provide an email address for communication.