Bill and Betty Ann Aldrich
Roger and Ellen Blake
Jane Britton
Mary Brownlow
Nancy and Edward Clark
Linda Cook
Michael Foster
Daniel D. Fraser
Anne French
Milton and Carolyn Frye
Shirley Grainger-Inselburg
Thomas Hulleberg and Kristin Graham
James F. Jacobson
Molly King
Mary Ellen Kreider
Jeffrey and Therese Marshall
Donald May
Cathy and Scott McGee
Frances Niles
Nancy Osgood
Beth Perry and Jeff Reed
Robert and Elizabeth Porter
Andrew and Kate Robinson
Jane O. Sargent
David and Ann Sargent, Jr.
Peter and Anne Silberfarb
William G. and Ann Marie Smith
Margaret E. Spicer
Vincent and Mildred Starzinger
Eleanor B. Stephenson
Bill and Jane Stetson
Jim and Pegge Strickler
Betsy B. Sylvester
Andrew and Gail Torkelson
Jay and Deborah Van Arman
Jack and Elizabeth Weingarten
Phil and Betsy Zea